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A Little About Us
The Kawenni:io/Gaweni:yo Elementary and Secondary School is a Gayogohono (Cayuga) and Kanienkehaka (Mohawk) language immersion school located on the Six Nations of the Grand River Territory in Southern Ontario. Our name reflects our mandate. The two words – Kawenni:io in the Mohawk language, and Gaweni:yo in the Cayuga language – means “good sounding words.”. With this in mind, we have created a curriculum based on concepts as set forth in the Thanksgiving Address, which is a speech that is spoken before any meeting of our people and which is a reflection of how we view the world.
The Kawenni:io/Gaweni:yo Immersion School has been in operation since 1986, with the later development of the secondary school in 1995. Our aim is to help preserve the traditions and cultures of the Rotinonhsion:ni/Hodinohso:ni.

New Parents/Guardians Are Always Welcome!
Home & School Committee

You can get involved in your child’s education in many ways, including through a Home & School Committee (HSC). HSC’s, encourage parent involvement in support of student achievement, equity and well-being.
We are the recipients for the upcoming Tim Horton’s Smile Cookie Campaign! We are looking for volunteers to put smiles on cookie’s faces starting Monday April 29, 2024 to Sunday May 5, 2024. Any help is greatly appreciated and if high school students help on the weekend that can be counted as Volunteer hours.
We are also looking for volunteers to help man/woman our food booth at this years Track & Field. This will be taking place at the blue track behind the Community Hall Friday May 3, 2024. If you would like to donate your time or food please call the school and ask for Artie Martin. (905)768-7203 ext.222
We are convening The Six Nations Elementary District Lacrosse Tournament at the Blue Track. This will be a 2-day tournament. First day is Tuesday May 28, 2024 (rain date Thursday May 30, 2024). Second day is scheduled for Wednesday June 5, 2024 (rain date Thursday June 6, 2024).
If you would like to donate your time or food please call the school and ask for Artie Martin. (905)768-7203 ext.222